Pet Pawcast
The Pet PawCast is hosted by Lauren Dunkle, a certified professional pet sitter and pet parent. This podcast is all about pets! We will dive into information about becoming a pet parent, pet sitting, senior pets, birds, cats, dogs, and much more!
Visit the podcast at The Pet Pawcast.com
Welcome to the show notes for each of the PetPawCast podcast episodes. Check out the audio episodes above from our podcast page at www.petpawcast.com Click the hyperlinks links after each podcast description for detailed show notes. Thank you for visiting.
Littermate Syndrome
Littermate syndrome can occur when two puppies adopted from the same litter grow up together in the same home. In some cases, these sibling puppies will form such a deep bond with each other that they fail to properly socialize with people and other dogs.
Tips for Running with Your Dog
Running with your dog is a fun way to spend time together and helps keep both you and your pup in shape. Canine fitness is an important part of their overall health. Plus, having a cute furry running buddy can be that extra motivation you may need. Before diving into running with your dog, there are some things you need to consider.
Tips for Conducting a Pet Sitter Interview
Just as much as you are interviewing a potential pet sitter, they are interviewing you as well. You always want to make sure to thoroughly vet your pet sitter and make sure they will be a good fit for your pet and for you. Each pet sitter and pet sitting company probably operates a bit differently from each other, as there is no right way to run a pet sitting company, but there are some basics that should be in place when selecting a pet sitter.
Episode 47 - Why Do Cats Like To Sleep Up High?
We will be talking about why our cats like to hang out and sleep in high places. We all know cats can be fussy creatures and this attitude extends to their sleeping habits as well. Many owners have gone out and bought plush, expensive beds only for their pampered cats to refuse to sleep on them. Are they just being fussy or is there an ulterior motive for this behavior?
Episode 46 - How to Help Your Pet in Their Senior Years
Just like humans, senior pets need extra care as they grow old. As an owner, it is important to be mindful of all the ways you can help to maximize your pet’s quality of life in their golden years.
Episode 45 - French Bulldogs
French bulldogs are one of a kind with their large bat ears and even-keel disposition, it is no wonder they are now the most popular dog breed in the US. The Frenchie is playful, alert, adaptable and is irresistibly adorable. The French bulldog resembles a small bulldog with the exception of the breed trademark - their tall, large, erect ears, lovingly called bat ears. They have a large, square head, with heavy wrinkles leading to a short nose. They are known for their compact, muscular bodies underneath a smooth coat. Frenchies are dogs of only a few words, as they are not known to bark very much, but they do make great watch dogs as they are always alert. French bulldogs are known to be great in many family situations as well as with companion animals as they are easy going and usually do not need much exercise. This breed is very popular in cities as they are good apartment dogs as well.
Episode 44 - Engaging Your Dog Indoors
With the weather beginning to cool off, we need to pivot and find ways to keep our dogs engaged and active when we may not be able to spend as much time outdoors with them. Today, we talk about some ways to keep your dog in good physical and mental health during cooler weather.
Episode 43 - Exercising Your Large Breed Puppy
Bringing a puppy home can be like installing a backup generator on full power - they just have so much energy! We all know that puppies need plenty of mental and physical stimulation, not only for their development, but to keep them from finding destructive behaviors that can be sometimes hard to break.
Episode 42 - Why Is Brushing Your Cat Important
Just as we, as humans, brush our hair, our cat’s hair may need the same attention. There are health benefits for your feline friend by making sure we are keeping up with their grooming. A clean cat is a happy cat, from nail trims to bathing, a little maintenance goes a long way.
Episode 41 - Pet Friendly Spring Break Destinations
While some people like to travel without their pets, there are just as many who tailor their trips to include the four legged members of their family. Spring break typically is the first sign of warmer weather, at least in the Midwest United States, and can be a perfect time to get out and go with the whole family. Warning: Your bucket list is about to get a whole lot longer.
Episode 40 - How Much Exercise Does Your Cat Need?
We know exercise is essential for all living animals and our cats are no exception. Despite the appearance they give off that they are happy to be lazy and lounge all day, they also enjoy getting involved in vigorous play.
Episode 39 - When Should You Spay/Neuter Your Dog
When deciding when to spay or neuter your dog there are many things you need to take into account, such as the size, breed, and your individual dog. A breeder or your veterinarian can be a great sound board when deciding when the best time to spay/neuter would be for your pet.
Episode 37 - Destructive Chewing
It’s normal for puppies and dogs to chew on objects as they explore the world. Chewing accomplishes a number of things for a dog. For young dogs, it’s a way to relieve pain that might be caused by incoming teeth. For older dogs, it’s nature’s way of keeping jaws strong and teeth clean. Chewing also combats boredom and can relieve mild anxiety or frustration.
Episode 36 - Disaster Preparedness
Emergencies come in many forms, and they may require anything from a brief absence from your home to permanent evacuation. Each type of disaster requires different measures to keep your pets safe, so the best thing you can do for yourself and your pets is to be prepared.
Episode 35 - Introducing New Pets to Resident Pets
Today we are going to be talking about introducing new pets to resident pets. The key is to never rush the pets into interacting and make sure to take it slow to avoid failure.
Episode 34 - Litter Box 101
One of the most important aspects of having a cat in your home is making sure the litter box is comfortable and appealing. Otherwise, your feline friend may choose a more exciting area of your home to take care of business. Today we will talk about some tips to ensure your cat is set up for success for their potty needs.
Episode 33 - Why Do Dogs Burrow?
Today we are going to try to answer why our dogs burrow in bed or under covers. My dog is notorious for doing this and then stealing the covers. It is cute, but is there a reason they love to do this so much?
Episode 32 - Zoomies
When I say zoomies, what is the first thing you think of? Hopefully it's of your dog so excited they are running back and forth - zoomies. Today we are going to talk about why our dogs get the zoomies.
Episode 31 - Why Do Cats Knead?
Today we are answering the question of why cats knead. There are many reasons and today we are focusing on six of them.
Bonus Episode Valentine’s Day
Welcome to a bonus episode of the podcast. Today we are celebrating Valentine’s Day by giving you some tips for having a date night with your pet.
Episode 30 - Pet Dental Health
February is National Pet Dental Health Month. We are celebrating by discussing what we need to know to assist our pets with their oral hygiene. We talk about what to look for, what causes dental problems in our pets and what we can do to help.
Episode 29 - Pocket Pets
Pocket pets are what people call small domestic animals such as gerbils, hamsters, ferrets and rabbits. Many people opt to adopt a pocket pet as opposed to a dog or cat because they are easier to take care of, and they don't require as much attention as their canine and feline counterparts. Whether you live in a small space and cannot have a large animal, you’re gone all the time and cannot properly care for a more active animal or whether you just want a pet that is low maintenance and relaxed, pocket pets make great companions for the non-dog and non-cat people.
Episode 28 - New Year’s Resolutions and Your Pets
In today’s episode, Lauren gives ideas for resolutions you can make for you and your pet.